Friday, August 7, 2009

I Bet Jesus Loves Overalls

My damn tooth broke.

That has nothing to do with anything, just a snapshot of how life is going for Al Sterling these days. Finding work is difficult, so far it's just been a serious of almost and that close... for a while, I understood the Psalms in a whole new way. I truly felt a separation from God, like my prayers were unheard and God had turned away from me...
...then a few days ago I started to feel God again, I can't really explain it in any real way, best I can do is to say that I felt a comfort and confidence that I had no call to be having... then things got worse (Did my tooth just fall out? What the hell?!?!)

...I'm blogging while DJing an ice skating rink. I bet not many bloggers have done that... a kid just gave me $5 to play his song. I feel guilty, he's like 12. Of course, I took the money... also, never ask the DJ what the next song is. It's insulting...

...I feel like leaving Korea early was a mistake, and the problems we hit following that led to one bad choice after another... don't read too much into that... but my predicament right now feels a bit like the result of one shitty set up after another. Hindsight is always 20/20... all that, however, doesn't change the feeling that God and I are chatting again...

I wanna be a youth minister more than anything. That was, without hesitation, the happiest I've ever been... it wasn't the easiest time (mid-Korea wins that one), but it was a time when I knew I was doing what I was suppose to.

I'm Just Sayin.